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Databases: Science

How to Search Science Resources

  1. Use the boxes below to search by clicking the images to access each database.
  2. Additional databases can be accessed through the Subscription Databases and Free Databases tabs above. 

Academic OneFile

Click the image below to search Academic OneFile.                                              

A database used in most universities, so is best for Years 11 & 12. Academic OneFile is comprised of more than 3,500 indexed and full-text titles of which 2,100 are peer-reviewed in all disciplines with more than 20 years of backfile coverage and an intuitive interface that expedites successful searches.

Academic OneFile offers balanced coverage on a wide-range of topics including social sciences, history, humanities, education, science and technology.

Gale in Context: High School

Click the image below to search Gale in Context: High School (formerly called Student Resources in Context).                                                  

Gale in Context: High School offers cross-curricular content with more than 150 titles from Gale and its publishing partners, full-text newspapers and periodicals and hundreds of thousands of images, videos, and audio selections. Subject areas covered include biography, business and economics, geography, government, history, literature and the arts, science and health, social issues, sports, world culture and religion.

Today's Science (Facts on File)

Click the image below to search Today's Science database.

Facts On File is an award-winning provider of research databases, eBooks, and other online reference materials for the high school, academic, and public library market. Its curriculum-based online products span core subject areas such as history, science, literature, geography, health, and more.

Science Reference Centre

Click the image below to search EBSCO ANZRC.


The ANZRC is the largest collection of regional full-text content available to schools, with a rich mix of both Australian and global titles. Made up of over 680 full-text titles (reference books, newspapers, country reports, newswires, magazines), over 84,000 full-text biographies, and an image collection containing a whopping 202,164 photos, maps and flags, the ANZRC is a multi-disciplinary resource that caters for current affairs, sport, politics, technology, nature and a range of other subjects.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Click the image below to access Gale in Context: Global Issues 

Gale in Context: Global Issues supports awareness and provides perspective on global issues, while tying together a wealth of authoritative content: empowering learners to critically analyse and understand the most important issues of the modern world.

Oxford Reference Online

Click the image below to access Oxford Reference Online.

Bringing together 2 million digitised entries across Oxford University Press’s Dictionaries, Companions and Encyclopedias, Oxford Reference is the premier online reference product, spanning 25 different subject areas.


Science Online (Facts on File)

Click the image below to search the Science Online database.

Facts On File is an award-winning provider of research databases, eBooks, and other online reference materials for the high school, academic, and public library market. Its curriculum-based online products span core subject areas such as history, science, literature, geography, health, and more.

World Book

Click image below to access World Book 

Tailored for students in primary and high schools, World Book Online includes all the articles from the print versions of the World Book Encyclopedia, plus thousands of additional articles, learning resources, videos, and research tools.

Search for World Book eBooks

World Book eBooks

Click the image below to access World Book eBook.

World Book eBooks have over 2,500 titles, including World Book exclusive content and classic literature (novels, plays, poems, and nonfiction). This books are mainly aimed at Primary and lower Secondary students (K-9).  

Additional General Resources for Science